Registration for FinGeo 2019
Under the umbrella topic “Global Financial Shift? Mapping a Financialized World in Transformation”, Beijing Normal University invites you to participate in the first FinGeo global conference to be held in Beijing, China.
Registration Fee

Registration cannot be confirmed until full payment is received. The payment deadline is July 1, 2019. Payment can be made after acceptance of the abstract, which follows a non-competitive procedure based on the usual scientific criteria and will take place as soon as possible after your submission. Please bear in mind that it is essential for those submitting abstracts to meet the payment deadline. All authors of submitted abstracts who fail to do so will not have the opportunity to present in the conference. Please be aware that cancellations will not be refundable after you make the payment.

Registration Fees

non-student student
Overseas scholars: 220$ 110$
Domestic scholars: 1500RMB 800RMB

If you are affiliated with institutions from mainland China, please make the payment here.


If you are NOT affiliated with institutions from mainland China, please make the payment here.We accept the major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard).